martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Modding boot.img

Modding boot.img can be useful for changing kernel or init scripts on ramdisk.

The ramdisk itself contains - for instance - default.prop that can be edited to unsecure the image - that means having adb shell directly as root, or ability to use adb remount
Boot partition can be extracted with dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd2 (on Nexus S) or as generic way, from recovery using flash_dump boot boot.img

Needed steps are:
$ boot.img 
kernel written to boot.img-kernel.gz
ramdisk written to boot.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz

removed old directory boot.img-ramdisk

gzip: ../boot.img-ramdisk.cpio.gz: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored
529 blocks

extracted ramdisk contents to directory boot.img-ramdisk/

$ cd boot.img-ramdisk/
# ... do whatever edits you need ...

# Repack
$ find . | cpio -o  -H newc | gzip > ../boot.img-ramdisk-new.cpio.gz
$ cd ..
$ mkbootimg --kernel boot.img-kernel.gz --ramdisk boot.img-ramdisk-new.cpio.gz --base 0x30000000 --pagesize 4096 -o
Looks like base / pagesize parameters are device dependent. Above are for Nexus S only

Example 1 - Unsecuring boot.img

After unpacking the img, we can chdir to unpacked ramdisk folder and change in default.prop:
EDIT: This example is useless, as someone pointed me how to properly gain root access with just running "adb root" and nothing else

Example 2 - Adding init.d support

At the end of init.rc we may add (if we also add busybox to system.img of course):
# Execute files in /etc/init.d before booting
service userinit /system/xbin/busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d
    class late_start
    user root
    group root

Attach: containing all needed tools

4 comentarios:

  1. thank u very much for ur post, however can u plz give us whole procedure step by step. thanks

  2. I have a problem when i tried to pull data from android device which requests root access for adb. adb root displays "adbd cannot run as root in production builds" I tried every thing but it does work. I think ur .pl will be work however I dont have no idea to how to run. can plz help me.
